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Drakelands Mine

Devon, UK

Drakelands Mine is a tungsten and tin mine operated most recently by Wolf Minerals. It is believed to hold the fourth largest tin-tungsten deposit in the world.

The new processing plant installed by Wolf Minerals crushes and sizes won material, and then separates fine material by gravity separation and coarse material by dense media separation (DMS). Unfortunately operation of the screens led to high levels of structural vibration within the Main Process
Building, and noise levels at off-site residential receptors which exceed those allowed by the site environmental permit.

Extensive investigatory measurements by Sine Environmental confirmed that levels of vibration measured on structural elements adjacent to some screens exceeded the threshold above which damage can occur in industrial buildings, and that airborne vibration played a significant role in causing the flexural vibration of the building cladding. Noise measurements taken inside and outside the building show that the cladding provides little attenuation of low frequency noise from inside to outside, while images taken with an acoustic camera show higher frequency noise escaping through openings in the building facade.

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