Leegate Regeneration
London, UK
St Modwen propose to redevelop the Leegate Shopping Centre and provide a retail led mixed use development which will include 393 residential flats, a food store, other retail units, public space and leisure uses.
Sine Environmental provided the noise and vibration chapter for the development's Environmental Statement. The assessments were conducted in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Noise Policy Statement for England, National Planning Practice Guidance, local planning policies, supplementary planning documents, and Professional Practice Guidance on Planning and Noise.
Predictions of road traffic noise were undertaken in accordance with CRTN, whilst predictions of commercial noise sources were based on ISO 9613-2: 1996. Assessment methods and health effect threshold guidelines were based on BS 4142:2014, BS 8233:2014, the World Health Organization ‘Guidelines for Community Noise’ and ‘Night noise guidelines for Europe’.
The assessments identified that noise mitigation, primarily in respect off facade sound insulation, ventilation strategy, and the creation of quiet outdoor areas in protected courtyard spaces, would be required in order to avoid adverse noise effects.