Pencloe Wind Farm
East Ayshire, UK
In 2017, Sine Environmental revised the noise modelling and the associated operational noise assessment for Pencloe Wind Farm, which comprises 19 wind turbines with blade tip heights of up to 125m and which is expected to provide a generation capacity of up to 69.3 MWe.
At the time of assessment, ten other wind developments were either constructed, consented or ahead of Pencloe in the planning queue; all of these were considered in the revised noise assessment which resulted in a complex cumulative ISO 9613 noise model which contains 292 wind turbines.
Sine Environmental conducted the assessment in accordance with ETSU-R-97, the Institute of Acoustics ‘A Good Practice Guide to the Application of ETSU-R-97 for the Assessment and Rating of Wind Turbine Noise’ and Scottish Government policy on wind farm noise. Following submission of the revised noise assessment, the development was consented.