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Sam Williams


Over the last 20 years, Sam has been responsible for the acoustic assessment of over 150 schemes. His experience is wide and covers a range of sectors. Notable highlights include advising the airports commission on the potential noise effects of adding an additional runway to either Gatwick or Heathrow airport; the calculation of city-wide road traffic noise immission maps of Birmingham and Coventry;  and mitigating potential noise impacts of one of the largest oil and gas field in the world.
Through decades of involvement in major projects Sam has developed a deep understanding of the complexities of modelling noise and vibration impacts, and the requirements of a wide range of assessment methods. Sam is familiar with the planning process, experienced at preparing environmental statements, and has provided evidence to planning appeals, public inquiries,  DCOs and to government commissions. Click a button below for highlighted experience in particular sectors.



Over 25 years responsible experience in noise and vibration roles, which include:

  • Noise, Vibration and AQ lead at Balfour Beatty Vinci who are building 120km of HS2

  • Noise Adviser (Noise Insulation Scheme) for the Heathrow Airport third runway project 

  • Divisional Director of Acoustics at Jacobs UK Limited

  • Technical Director (for Acoustics) at SKM

  • Acoustics Sector Director at CH2M Hill (and Halcrow before it was acquired by CH2M)

  • Acoustic Consultant at WSP


Selected Project Experience


Wylfa Newydd New Nuclear Power Station, Expert Witness

Sam Williams was head of discipline and expert witness on behalf of the promoter for the proposed £14 billion new nuclear power station at Wylfa on the Isle of Anglesey, which is designed around two UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactors. In addition to the reactors and associated cooling systems, it is proposed that the Wylfa Newydd site would accommodate supporting facilities, buildings, plant and structures, radioactive waste and spent fuel storage buildings and an upgrade to the existing National Grid electricity connection. To minimise movement of bulk materials by road, a permanent marine off-loading facility is included in the application which would require large scale marine construction works. Associated development with the potential to cause noise and vibration include a temporary Park and Ride facility adjacent to the A55, a temporary logistics centre off the A55 for staggering HGV movements along the A5025, and highways improvements (sections of the A5025 to be widened or bypassed). On site accommodation and facilities for up to 4,000 construction workers is also proposed. For further information please refer to the project page.

Client: Jacobs U.K. Limited for Horizon Nuclear Power Limited


Western Area Power Generation Project, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Acoustics Technical Lead

This proposed power station, situated in the Kissy district of Freetown, Sierra Leone is to be developed in stages. The first stage will provide 57 MWe output generated by six engines running on Heavy Fuel Oil. Future phases will add four more engines and boost total output to 128 MWe. Sam undertook a noise assessment to IFC/World Bank standards. As the site is surrounded by residences and existing industrial developments, the assessment recommends extensive noise mitigation measures.

Ultimate Client: CEC Africa


Bridge Power Fast-deployment Project, Tema, Ghana, Acoustics Technical Lead

The final phase of this power station development will feature nine gas turbines operating in closed cycle mode, with the exhaust gas directed through heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) to feed two steam turbines. This configuration will provide 400 MWe of electrical power. Sam oversaw the modelling of the noise emissions from the power station and undertook a noise assessment to IFC/World Bank standards to determine potential noise impacts at nearby residences and other sensitive receptors.

Client: Early Power Limited (owned by Bridge Power Project Sponsors, Endeavor Energy, General Electric (GE), and Sage Petroleum)


Knottingley Power Project, DCO Application, Acoustics Technical Lead

The Knottingley Power Project is a proposed dual Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant with a generating capacity of 1500 MW, which is sufficient to power approximately two million homes. A development consent order for the power plant was granted by the Secretary of State in March 2015. Sam was responsible for the construction and operational noise assessments that formed parts of the Environmental Assessment submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, and the environmental Permit Application submitted to the Environment Agency.
Client: Knottingley Power Limited


Pencloe Windfarm,  Acoustics Technical Lead

Review an addendum to the Pencloe Windfarm Environmental Statement following the removal of two wind turbines from the scheme and the refusal of an adjacent wind farm proposal. For further information about this development please refer to our project page.

Client: Pencloe Wind Energy Limited


Oil & Gas
Huntingdon and Peterborough Compressor Stations Emissions Reduction Programme (ERP) Stage 3, Acoustics Technical Lead

The National Transmission System (NTS) is a network of buried pipes which distribute high pressure natural gas to industrial customers or Pressure Reduction Stations (PRS). At strategic points the natural gas within the NTS must be re-pressurised by compressor stations. As part of National Grid’s emissions reduction programme, the Huntingdon and Peterborough compressor stations are each receiving two new 16,450 kWe gas compressors. Sam was responsible for the noise assessments supporting the planning applications and Environmental Permit applications for the new compressors.

Ultimate Client: National Grid Gas plc


National Grid Procedure Development, Acoustics Technical Lead

Sam developed specification T/SP/ENV/26 “ Environmental Noise Assessment for Compressor Projects” on behalf of National Grid plc. This document is applicable to all formal environmental noise assessments for gas compressor projects. The outputs, assessments and studies arising from this specification support consent / permit / licence applications through the design, procurement, construction and operational phases of Compressor Projects.

Client: National Grid plc


Rumailia Oil & Gas Field Development, Iraq, Acoustics Technical Lead

Responsible for the production of a noise and vibration assessment to IFC/World Bank standards for the renovation and further development of one of the worlds largest oil and gas fields, situated in southern Iraq. The resulting full field development will comprise over 2,800 oil wells and 14 integrated processing facilities.

Client: Joint venture between BP, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and South Oil Company (SOC)


GSISS Corsham, Wiltshire, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Technical lead for the noise impact, architectural and building services acoustics advice on this £120 million Ministry of Defence mixed use development which is the headquarters of the MoD's Directorate General of Information Services and Systems (DGISS), and incorporates a Global Operations and Security Control Centre (GOSCC), office space, 180-bed living accommodation, an armoury, sports, military and medical facilities, all within a landscaped campus environment.

Client: Faulkners Browns Architects


Churchill Hospital PFI, Acoustic Consultant

Provided acoustic design advice for the £80M PFI project to build a new cancer centre at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. The new facility comprised over 1,600 rooms including ten new operating theatres, nuclear medicine facilities, and both public and private wards.

  • Room Design Data and Criteria

  • Architectural Acoustics

  • Building Services Acoustics

Client: NHS Trust


Hilton Hotel, Liverpool, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Sam was responsible for the noise impact, architectural and building services acoustics advice on this landmark hotel project, part of  Grosvenor's £920 million regeneration of the Paradise Street area known as Liverpool ONE.

Client: Keir Group


Multi-purpose Courtyard Conversion, Doha (State of Qatar), Acoustic Technical Lead

This ambitious project involved covering over an existing outdoors courtyard space and create a four-storey tall multi-purpose space for study, banquets, conferences, exhibitions and performances. This project required extensive 3D reverberation time modelling using CATT-Acoustic to determine the required quantity and optimum location for wall and ceiling acoustic absorbers to be identified. 

Client: Texas A&M University


AIR Building, Tremough Campus, University College Falmouth, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Responsible for the acoustic design of the Academy for Innovation and Research (AIR) building. Ensured that the acoustic design achieved the required privacy/airborne sound insulation, impact sound insulation, room acoustics (reverberation times), noise from mechanical services and external noise break-in levels. Provided tender documentation and evidence to support BREEAM assessment.

Client: University College Falmouth (Note: subsequently commissioned by contractor for continued acoustic advice).


Travelodge, Wembley, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Responsible for the acoustic design of a five-storey building situated on Wembley Central Square, which is an elevated reinforced concrete podium that spans Wembley Central train station and six railway lines below. Vibration from the railway lines below is easily perceived on the surface of Wembley Central Square and therefore it is required to isolate building from the podium structure using anti-vibration mounts to ensure that train movements do not cause sleep disturbance.

Client: Sowcrest Limited (a St Modwen Developments joint venture)


Ebbw Vale General Office, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Provided building acoustics advice for the proposed renovation of the grade II listed Ebbw Vale General Office Building. This project is part of ‘The Works’ regeneration scheme and includes a genealogy experience corridor which connects a number of interactive multi-media rooms, a general use education and lecture theatre, and accommodation for Gwent Records Office (GRO). The conversion of a Grade II listed structure presented particular acoustic challenges.

Client: Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Rail and bus
Crossrail On Network Works, Acoustics Technical Lead

Crossrail will provide quick transport between the west and east of London. The central part of the railway will be in twin tunnels, however much of the remaining route to the west and east will be on the surface and will be constructed by Network Rail. The surface works pass through 13 local jurisdictions, and worksites are complex with multiple contractors and cumulative impacts; there is potential for significant noise and vibration impacts as a result. Sam was responsible for developing a strategy for Network Rail to obtain the required consents for each worksite, and managed the successful preparation and submission of over forty s.61 applications to the local authorities.

Client: Network Rail


Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit Order, Expert Witness

Sam acted as Expert Witness for the promoter at the Public Inquiry for this £200m bus rapid transit scheme, now known as MetroBus. Services will run on a largely segregated route, separate from car traffic, and will be given priority over other road users at traffic signals. The buses will be guided along the segregated parts of the route. This role followed on from earlier work undertaking the noise and vibration assessments for the project Environmental Statement.

Clients: Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire Councils


London Underground Sub-stations, UK, Acoustic Technical Lead

Responsible for the operational noise modelling and assessment for the proposed improvements at three electrical sub-stations providing power for the London Underground. The noise modelling was conducted in accordance with ISO9613: Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors, and the assessment was conducted in accordance with British Standard 4142: 1997: Method for Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas.

Client: Pringle Richards Sharratt Limited


London Development Agency (Lower Lee Valley, Olympic & Legacy) Compulsory Purchase Order, UK, Expert Witness

Sam was commissioned by London Bus Services Ltd (part of Transport for London) to act as Expert Witness on the proposed Wyke Road Bus Garage project. The outcome of this part of the Inquiry was a success with the opponents to the scheme agreeing to, and signing, a statement of common ground before the hearing was due to commence. Following improvements to the acoustic design of the proposed facility, the opposing acoustic consultants conceded that the proposals would not cause undue noise disturbance.

Client: London Bus Services Limited (a subsidiary of TfL)


KCRC West Rail Contract CC402 Nam Cheong Station, Hong Kong, Acoustic Consultant

Key achievements:  Part of the West Rail extension, this large station forms an interface between the KCRC overland rail network and the MTRC underground train network. Due to the size of building and the sub-tropical climate, over 500 large fans and air handling units are required to condition the internal space. 
    • Review of contract specifications to ensure that all conditions listed were suitable and achievable
    • Review of tender submissions from M&E Contractor to ensure compliance with contract acoustic specifications
    • Prediction of airborne noise transfer from plant rooms to adjacent spaces for all the buildings normal operating modes
    • Prediction of duct-borne noise transfer from fans and air-handling units to the internal spaces served, including breakout noise to sensitive spaces
    • Prediction of noise from fixed plant, such as chillers and fans to the external environment around the station
    • Vibration analysis and selection of anti-vibration mounts for M&E equipment
    • Recommendations for improvement and remedial works where original M&E design was found to provide inadequate noise or vibration control

Client: WSP (Hong Kong) Limited


A9 Dualling Stage 2 Scheme Assessments, Acoustic Technical Lead

The A9 Dualling scheme is a £3 billion road improvement programme to upgrade 80 miles of the A9 to dual carriageway. Sam oversaw the noise modelling, and then drafted the noise chapters of the DMRB Stage 2 Scheme Assessment Reports, for five sections of this scheme (from the Pass of Birnam to Glen Garry). The project included working closely with other members of the joint venture, including the acoustics teams from CH2M Hill (which Sam previously led) and Atkins, to develop a standard noise methodology adopted by all three teams for the assessments.

Client: Transport Scotland

A487 Porthmadog, Minffordd and Tremadog Bypass, Expert Witness

Sam was the acoustic consultant and Expert Witness for the promoter at the Public Inquiry for this proposed 5.3km bypass scheme in the County of Gwynedd, north-west Wales. The scheme includes three roundabouts, three junctions and eight bridging structures. Responsibilities included road traffic noise modelling of the existing, do-something and do-nothing scenarios for the opening and design years to facilitate DMRB Stage 3 assessment. Outputs included the Noise and Vibration Technical Report, ES chapter, Non-Technical Summary, Proof of Evidence and aural evidence at the Public Local Inquiry.

Client: Welsh Assembly Government


Noise Mapping England Contract Area 6, Project Manager

Sam was responsible for the management, reporting and delivery of the road traffic noise map of Contract Area 6, which includes the West Midlands and Coventry. This project involves:

  • the collation and validation of datasets representing roads, traffic, the ground surface, vegetation coverage and buildings;

  • data collection, in particular pertaining to the location, size and acoustic properties of roadside noise barriers on all motorways and A-roads in contract area;

  • processing of the datasets to produce a noise map of the contract area;

  • documentation of data handling techniques, data modifications, modelling / efficiency techniques, project progress, resource allocation and budget.

This large project involved modelling noise from over 10,500 km of road at more than 1.2 million buildings that lie within the contract area.

Client: Defra


Airports Commission, Baseline and Local Assessment Lead Author

Sam was the primary author of the Baseline and Local assessment reports in respect of the short-list options for additional runways at Heathrow or Gatwick for the Airports Commission. These reports are available at The ‘Baseline’ report looks at the expected noise environment over a 60-year period on both a local and national level. It reflects expected developments in traffic growth and technological development against a ‘do minimum’ scenario with no airport expansion. The ‘Local’ assessments consider the noise impacts of each scheme on the areas surrounding the expanded airports.

Client: Airports Commission


Istanbul New International Airport, Acoustic Technical Lead

Sam oversaw the noise modelling and impact assessment of a new £5.7 billion international airport located near Istanbul. The impact assessment considered an initial development with three runways and capacity of 90 mppa, and a final stage of development with six runways and capacity for 144 mppa. The noise impact assessment looked at the following aspects of operational noise:

  • Airborne aircraft noise due to aircraft as they arrive and depart.

  • Ground noise due to aircraft manoeuvring on the runways and aprons, and other ground-side noise sources, including aircraft auxiliary power units, aircraft engine ground running, ground support vehicles, and engine test facilities.

  • Fixed plant noise due to mechanical equipment.

Client: Environ


Tivat Airport, Montenegro, Acoustic Technical Lead

In collaboration with the airport operator, Sam assessed the noise impacts of likely changes to the current mix of medium haul and business jet operations to Tivat and modified approach and departure procedures to account for introduction of GNSS based operations. Sam also examined the implications of extended hours of operation on account of the incorporation of evening and night-time departures, all in order to produce noise contours at future development stages for land use planning and safeguarding purposes.

Client: Airports of Montenegro


Zanaga Iron Ore Mine, Republic of Congo, Acoustics Technical Lead

Sam was responsible for the technical content of the noise and vibration assessments for the Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment of this £1.7 bn / £3.7 bn iron ore mine, including the mine site and the port export site at Pointe Noire. The first phase is forecast to produce 12 mtpa iron ore, which will be increased to 30 mtpa in later phases. The main concerns at the mine site are effects upon wildlife and nearby human settlements.

Client: MPD Congo / Xstrata


Drakelands Mine, Acoustic and Vibration Technical Lead

Review proposals for a series of test blasts to determine appropriate site constants for use in blasting predictions for the minerals extraction phase. Vibration monitoring during test blasting. Identify the source and transmission paths of infrasound and noise from the main process building which is effecting environmental receptors. Further internal vibration, internal noise, external noise and ground vibration transect measurements.

Client: EE and Wolf Minerals


Hoddesdon Advanced Thermal Treatment Plant, Acoustics Technical Lead

Sam oversaw an initial review of the acoustic performance of the preliminary design for the £60m Hoddesdon Advanced Thermal Treatment (ATT) facility. This facility generates energy from waste, and the review resulted in recommendations for mitigation measures to reduce potential noise emission from the site.

Client: TPS Consult


BASF Pharma Noise Assessment, Acoustics Technical Lead

BASF Pharma employs around 70 staff at its facility on the Isle of Lewis. Sam was responsible for the technical delivery of a systematic assessment of the noise emissions associated with activities at their site which produce highly-concentrated omega-3 fatty acids, for pharmaceutical, clinical nutrition and general nutritional applications. The noise assessment was required in order to discharge a condition attached to their Environmental Permit issued by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Client: BASF Pharma (Callanish) Ltd


Poplars Anaerobic Digester, Acoustics Technical Lead

Sam oversaw a noise and vibration assessment carried out as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed additional Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit at the UK’s largest (120,000 tpa) Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facility operated by Biffa at Poplars, Cannock. This facility now generates up to 6.5m MW of electricity.

Client: Biffa Waste Services


Biomass Combined Heat and Power, Acoustics Technical Lead

Sam was responsible for overseeing delivery of an assessment of the noise emissions associated with the operation of a new Biomass CHP plant at the Iggusund Paperboard site at Siddick, Cumbria. The noise assessment was required in order to discharge a condition attached to their permit issued by the Environment Agency (EA) under the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2010.

Client: Iggesund Paperboard (Workington) Limited


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